
Health & Safety Plan COVID-19 – Issued April 14, 2021


The safety, health and well-being of our officers, trustees, members, families, friends, guests, and the general public will always be our primary goal. To reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposures at Manasquan River Marlin and Tuna Club (MRMTC) events, tournaments and gatherings (functions), we have reviewed information and guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife, and the NJ Governor’s Office Executive Orders to develop the following policies and procedures. This plan is based on information that was available at the time of its issue date and is subject to change based on further information provided by authorities having jurisdiction. MRMTC will amend this plan accordingly and we strongly encourage all to follow these procedures at our events, while fishing and at home, as applicable.

A. Responsibilities of Officers, Trustees, Committee Members & Members

  1. Officers, Trustees & Committee Members

All Officers, Trustees and Committee Members shall be familiar with this plan and be ready to answer any questions from members, families, friends, and guests (collectively for this document as “agents”) of the MRMTC. Officers, Trustees and Committee Members must set the example by closely following this plan and all guidelines set forth by the MRMTC. Officers, Trustees and Committee Members must encourage this behavior from all agents of the MRMTC while attending our functions. Event and Committee Chairmen shall work with MRMTC O&T’s to evaluate any specific hazards and determine best practices related to COVID-19 issues and incorporate into event, tournament or gathering specific plans.

  1. Members, Families Friends & Guests (Agents)

MRMTC strongly encourages our agents to help with prevention efforts at all MRMTC functions as well as at home. In order to minimize any potential exposure or spread of COVID-19 at our functions, everyone must do their part. As set forth below, MRMTC has instituted various procedures, including housekeeping, social distancing, hygiene, and other best practices. All agents must follow these procedures.

All agents must familiarize themselves with the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, which may include the following:

  • Coughing
  • Fever (100.4 degrees or higher)
  • Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
  • Early symptoms such as chills, body aches, sore throat, headache, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, loss of taste and/or smell, and a runny nose.

If you develop any of these symptoms, DO NOT GO TO OUT AND DO NOT FISH and immediately call your health care provider.

B. COVID-19 Exposure
  1. An individual who tested positive for COVID-19 and who had symptoms can be around others
    a. Self quarantine for 10 days since symptoms first appeared and
    b. Continue to be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and
    c. Other COVID-19 symptoms are improving
  2. An individual who tested positive for COVID-19 but had no symptoms can be around others after:
    a. Self quarantine for 10 days and
    b. Continue to be symptom free
  3. An individual who was severely ill with COVID-19 or who is severely immun ocomprised can be around others after:
    a. Self quarantine for more than 10 days and up to 20 days after symptoms first appeared
    b. Your healthcare provider has advised that you can resume being around others
  4. If an individual comes to a function showing any of the COVID-19 symptoms (fever, coughing,
    shortness of breath/difficulty breathing), they shall be immediately sent off site and told to
    contact their health care provider for direction.
  5. If an individual comes to a function and has knowingly been exposed to an individual with a
    confirmed case of COVID-19, they shall be immediately sent off site and told to contact their
    health care provider for direction.
  6. If an individual is removed from a function, an MRMTC representative shall immediately notify an
    MRMTC Officer or Trustee.

  C. COVID-19 Vaccination

  1. Individuals who have been fully vaccinated can start to do some things that they had stopped
    doing because of the pandemic.
  2. Individuals are considered fully vaccinated:
    -2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, like Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or
    -2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, like Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine
  3. If it has been less than 2 weeks since your shot, or if you still need to get your second dose, you
    are NOT fully protected. Keep taking all prevention steps until you are fully vaccinated.
  4. After you’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, you should keep taking precautions in public
    places like wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart from others, and avoiding crowds and poorly
    ventilated spaces.

D.  General Procedures

  1. MRMTC Events, Tournaments & Gatherings (Functions)

a. MRMTC Officer & Trustee (O&T’s) meetings will be held monthly on the second Wednesday of each     month by conference call or video Zoom conference.

b. MRMTC Functions will be modified, postponed, or cancelled at the discretion of the O&T’s to remain in compliance with all authority guidelines and executive orders. Specifically:
Indoor Private Gatherings shall be limited to 35% of the room’s indoor capacity, but not more than 150       individuals. Social distancing is required. Face masks are not required but are encouraged.     

-Outdoor Private Gatherings shall be limited to 200 individuals. Social distancing is required.   Facemasks are not required but are encouraged.
-Indoor and Outdoor Public Spaces – Face masks are required when social distancing
is difficult to maintain.

  E.  Fishing Activities

 1.  NJ Fishing Guidelines

a. When fishing from boats or from land, individuals must comply with required social distancing practices and other safety regulations.

2. MRMTC Statement on Fishing Guidelines

a. MRMTC will not be responsible to enforce any “Fishing Guidelines” set forth by any
authority having jurisdiction with respect to COVID-19. Specifically, it is the member’s
responsibility to comply with the guidelines as to who, how many and social distancing
requirements when fishing on their vessel.
b. Protests related as to who is fishing with any member will not be considered.

E. MRMTC Contacts
TitleContact NameTelephone        Email
Offshore Open ChairJoe
Bluefin Open ChairBrian
MRMTC Club Tourney ChairJohn
Vice PresidentChip
Weigh MasterDave
F. Summary

The COVID-19 Pandemic is a very fluid situation. It is our intent at MRMTC to effectively communicate with our agents to ensure they all stay safe and healthy while striving to maintain our mission and goals of promoting recreational fishing and philanthropy in our sport. Our Officers & Trustees are constantly monitoring this ever-changing situation and will be pushing out new information as it develops. This plan is based on information that was available at the time of its development and is subject to change based on further information provided by the CDC, the NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife, the NJ Governor’s Office Executive Orders or other public officials.

You can download a copy of this document here:  COVID- 19 Guidelines